Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy


Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT or HRT) is often needed and proven helpful when women or men are starting to experience the signs and symptoms of aging. Despite some commercially available synthetic HRT's on the market, some people do not respond favorably to these standard dosing strengths or forms. Luckily, Key Pharmacy allows you to not be limited to prescribing these traditional methods of treatment.

Our team of professionals specialize in both Men’s and Women's Health:

• Hormone Replacement Therapy and Consulting

• Vaginal pain

• Erectile Dysfunction

• Patient counseling

Pharmacy compounding allows you to have the flexibility of prescribing a personal and customized medication for your patient's specific HRT needs. Use your expertise and feel free to work with our skilled and knowledgeable pharmacists to find the perfect balance of HRT for your all of your patient’s needs.

Many different treatment options are available. Our pharmacists can formulate and design various combinations or strengths of medications that will benefit the unique needs of your patients. Novel delivery systems can be prepared such as transdermal creams/gels-absorbed through the skin, injections, sublingual drops/troches and suppositories. The possibilities we can offer are truly endless!

Key Pharmacy uses the highest quality natural ingredients for compounding HRT. We use plant derived hormones that are acquired from FDA registered facilities. Our prices are extremely competitive and we do not compromise on quality.

Key Pharmacy can provide support to physicians prescribing Hormone Replacement Therapy. Consultations for patients are also available.

Natural Hormone Replacement for Women:

As women age and enter peri-menopause followed by menopause, the levels of sex hormones in their bodies slowly start to fluctuate and diminish, causing many uncomfortable symptoms, including:

• Change in menstrual cycle

• Hot flashes and/or night sweats

• Trouble sleeping

• Vaginal dryness

• Loss of libido

• Mood swings

• Weight gain

• Difficult concentrating and/or memory lapses

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may be the key to helping replace and replenish these hormones and relieve the symptoms. Since no two women are alike, compounded HRT from Key Pharmacy can benefit you because we can customize the correct dosage form, strength and perfect combination for your specific signs and symptoms.

Our pharmacists are skilled and knowledgeable and will work closely with you and your physician to find the perfect balance of HRT to compound for you to help you unlock your ultimate wellness. Additionally, our pharmacists are also available to offer consultations and answer all of the questions that you may have.

Key Pharmacy uses the highest quality of plant based natural hormones acquired from FDA registered facilities when compounding your Hormone Replacement Therapy. We set forth the highest standards, and we will make sure that you receive the highest quality and affordable compound possible.

Natural Hormone Replacement for Men:

Men can also experience hormonal fluctuations and decline in Testosterone and other hormone levels associated with aging. This process is called Andropause. Some of the signs and symptoms include:

• Low energy

• Decreased muscle mass

• Low libido

• Increased body fat of the upper and mid-section

• Mood changes

• Trouble sleeping

• Erectile Dysfunction

Compounded HRT is also beneficial for men because it can address all of these symptoms. Let us work closely with your doctor to make a specifically prepared compounded medication especially for you.